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Welcome to my blog. I will add my writings all here. Some stories, poetry, recipes, and health tips.

Ocean dream with starfish breathing technique

Ocean dream with starfish breathing technique

            Take a few moments to connect with your breathing. Close your eyes and exhale any tension holding in your body.

            Find a place in the ocean. Maybe a shallow beach, or a deep dark cool part of the ocean. Is it day or night, or can you even tell from how deep you are?

            Is the water cooling from the depths, or warm from a shallow beach? What types of fish are around you or are you on your own?

Feel the current run over your body and notice that you are a starfish. What kind of starfish are you? Do you have a smooth texture or lots of bumps, what color are you?

Notice the current matches your relaxed breath.

Now that you are comfortable in your watery surroundings come to your heart center. We begin our breathing into the heart center like a starfish would. Inhale and exhale through the heart center feeling the sensations of your breath. Think about each limb (leg, arm, head) as your starfish body, and keeping your breath in your body feel it fill from heart center to the edge of each limb, and exhale back out through heart center. Repeat this breath and notice any tension holding on in your body. On a third repetition allow the tension to melt with your exhale.

On your fourth breath breathe in to heart center and exhale out through your Right arm, inhale back in through your right arm and out your heart center. Were there any blockages, or was it smooth completely through the right arm? Take a second breath into heart center and as you exhale through the right arm again push out any blockages you feel there and then breathe back in from your right arm and out through heart center. One more time breathe into heart center and out the right arm, inhale from the right arm and back out through heart center. Was it more clear this time? If not we will come back with a final cleansing breath.

On your next breath breathe in to heart center and exhale out through your Right leg, inhale back in through your right leg and out your heart center. Were there any blockages, or was it smooth completely through the right leg? Take a second breath into heart center and as you exhale through the right leg again push out any blockages you feel there and then breathe back in from your right leg and out through heart center. One more time breathe into heart center and out the right leg, inhale from the right leg and back out through heart center.

Move on to your Left leg, breathe in to heart center and exhale out through your Left leg, inhale back in through your left leg and out your heart center. Were there any blockages, or was it smooth completely through the left leg? Take a second breath into heart center and as you exhale through the left leg again push out any blockages you feel there and then breathe back in from your left leg and out through heart center. One more time breathe into heart center and out the left leg, inhale from the left leg and back out through heart center.

On this next breath breathe in to heart center and exhale out through your Left arm, inhale back in through your right arm and out your heart center. Were there any blockages, or was it smooth completely through the left arm? Take a second breath into heart center and as you exhale through the left arm again push out any blockages you feel there and then breathe back in from your left arm and out through heart center. One more time breathe into heart center and out the left arm, inhale from the left arm and back out through heart center.

Moving on to your crown, breathe in to heart center and exhale out through your crown, inhale back in through your crown and out your heart center. Were there any blockages, or was it smooth completely through the crown? There are lots of places for tension to hang out here. Take a second breath into heart center and as you exhale through the crown again push out any blockages you feel there and then breathe back in from your crown and out through heart center. One more time breathe into heart center and out the crown, inhale from the crown and back out through heart center.

Our final breaths inhale through your heart center and exhale through all 5 limbs checking on any final blockages. Inhale through all 5 limbs and exhale through your heart center. Repeat the inhale through heart center and exhale through all 5 limbs with a final push of all blockages, tensions, worries outward. Inhale through all 5 limbs one more time as a very long slow inhale feeling it reach all the boarders of your body. Then exhale through your heart center once more nice and slowly.

Connect again with the natural current and relaxed breathing. Let your mind be blank and just be in this moment for as long as you need.

Taking time in the Mountain Meadow

Taking time in the Mountain Meadow