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Welcome to my blog. I will add my writings all here. Some stories, poetry, recipes, and health tips.

Taking time in the Mountain Meadow

Taking time in the Mountain Meadow

As you rest here in Shavasana, connect with your breath. Let it flow naturally in and out through your nose keeping the life energy within.

Feel each point of contact melt into the floor……. Let mother earth embrace you into her. Release any tensions you feel within you, letting it melt away upon each exhale.

Allow the energy of the earth to wash over you like a gentle flowing stream, cool and soothing; cleansing away all thoughts, everything that is not you, right now, in this very moment.

Eyes closed, feel the sun of a warm spring day on your skin. The wind gently blowing through the leaves. Like a chorus dancing on the air, melody and rhythm felt but not heard.

Open your eyes and behold a beautiful mountain meadow in full spring bloom. Smell the sweetness of a recent rain and dew on the air, and take moment to smell the sweet nectars on the wind. They add their own chorus to scent.

The grass is like a gentle rolling wave with bright green shoots and a rainbow of colored flowers. Take a moment to listen to the sound of the grass swaying and rubbing against each other.

As you look around you notice a faint path, not well travelled. Follow it and take time to be in this moment and this place. It is yours and every sight, sound, smell belongs to you here.

As you walk down the path you hear birds chirping and squirrels chattering.

You feel the earth beneath your feet with each step, accepting your passage with warmth; your feet sinking into the dirt and grass as the earth gives just a little beneath each step.

Butterflies flitter around you jumping from one flower to the next. Adding a mix of their own colors to the rainbow. Seemingly whispering secrets in the air. Are there any messages for you here?

You can hear the gentle flow of a creek, and smell the clear fresh water in the air as you approach it. Walk up to the edge of the creek.

When you look down into it you can clearly see each rock at the bottom as though looking through glass. You see fish swimming at pace with the gentle current. It’s almost as though time moves differently beyond the glassy water.

Glancing downstream you notice a small pier. Make your way to it still taking the time to be in the surroundings, listen to the sounds and feel the warmth of the day.

Walk up to the edge of the pier, take off any footwear if you had any on and sit letting your bare feet dangle into the cool spring water. Enjoy the contrast of the warm spring sun filling your spirit with warm energy and the cool water washing over your feet.

Close your eyes and feel the water, imagine the little water eddies changing the flow ever so slightly; they almost cause the water to massage your feet.

Listen to the sounds around you. Think only of the sounds, the pitch, the rustling all determined by that gentle breeze and little animals.

Feel the water, the sun, the gentle breeze all caressing past you and accepting you in this place and moment.

“Life is the gap between inhalation and exhalation – when we own our breath, nobody can steal our peace.” Bhavesh Ramji

Feel the peace of the gap of the breath. Take a moment to notice your breathing again.

This place belongs to you. You are always free to return to this place and time. You can take this with you any time, any place, any season.

Time to come back up the path to the mountain meadow. Bring the peace you have found around and within you.

Come back to the nest the mother earth embraced you in. Begin to wiggle your toes… your fingers. As you feel ready roll over to your side and curl gently…. As you are ready slowly push yourself up to seated position.

Ocean dream with starfish breathing technique

Ocean dream with starfish breathing technique